Supporting Higher Education, Not Higher Education Debt
Don't let the rising costs of a college education give you or someone else you know cold feet. We've got you covered with Socks For Scholarships, an initiative whose purpose is to provide critical financial assistance to help students realize their dream of a higher education. The Foundation believes higher education is a catalyst for change for individuals, families, and our communities.
Purchase Your Pair of Socks Today!

Save the Gate House Fiscal Sponsorship
Dedicates to protecting, preserving, and enhancing the historic Gate House in downtown Mansfield. Check out more information on this project at savethegatehouse.org

Light the Holidays in Downtown Mansfield!
Each winter, Mansfield Main Street is aglow with lights to celebrate Downtown Mansfield and the holiday season. The lights are a special tradition by downtown partnerships and provide a wonderful, warm ambiance while exploring the many businesses that call Downtown Mansfield home.
This year, the Mansfield Foundation took on the holiday lights project in collaboration with the Mansfield Borough and the many partners who have helped bring the project to fruition over the many years and continue to support the holiday lights today.
A donation to the Foundation’s Light Up the Holidays Fund, in any amount, is a great way to show your love for our beautiful town and a perfect tribute to a loved one or friend during the holidays who already has everything. For a minimum $25 donation to the fund, you can also receive a commemorative dated snowflake ornament (while supplies last).
Learn More

Mansfield Free Public Library Initiative
The Mansfield Foundation is happy to be supporting the Mansfield Free Public Library in promoting literacy and access to free public library resources by establishing a fund to assist the library in making current best sellers available in our area. For more information, visit: mansfieldpubliclibrary.com

Wreaths Across America
Join us by sponsoring a wreath to honor a veteran in our local cemeteries while providing scholarship support for members of the military at the same time. For every wreath sponsored through the Foundation’s sponsorship group, $5 is donated back to the Foundation’s Members of the Military Scholarship.